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Litt Madonna-aktig posering synes jeg (artisten Madonna altså). Sv/hv-teknikken deres er som vanlig veldig bra. Lurer litt på om 2-3 cm kutt i bunn kunne vært noe...usikker.
Baard L.
Likte at det var så kontrastrik og diffus bakgrunn (sort-hvitt). Ellers? :-)
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André M.
Dette er bra. Liker diagonalkompen og den harde belysningen. Litt usikker på om det kanskje ville gjort seg å lyst opp øyet litt (det til høyre i bildet). Øyet er svært direkte og jeg tror intensiteten i det fandenivoldske blikket vil heves av å se ''hvitøyet'' bedre. Synes ikke bildet skal kuttes noe. Synes beskjæringen funker helt utmerket.
Georg K.
always nice with some attraction - and this image has a lot to offer - beautiful, attractive, interesting face, lifting pose - a bit reminding to typical glamour style, but with the facial expression much better, since not frozen in attitude, but more playful alive.
Like the way the hands are hold, the line between dark and light - the composition is as simple as effective and 100% working.
Agree with Andre that a cut on the lower part would go against the line, length and impression of the image.
Only missing part is actually the one eye - not a big deal, but after a few moments the pose - at least to me, would like to be explained - and the regular starting point is the face, the eyes - and there you end up with the one you can clearly see - and the other is fading out.
Than again, it's not the task of a photo to offer answer's for every possible interpretation - and it stands as it is very solid.
Beside - and I think it is fair to mention - when as such understood - the face is really attractive - and the setting offers a perfect matrix for it.
Confidence, esprit, style - classical elements for a shot which offers a kind of satisfaction in many ways.
Espen P.
Er alltid spennende å klikke på thumbnailene fra dere ja. Og dette ble jeg på ingen måter skuffet over.. Stilig og rent. Herlig med diagonalen fra armen som fortsette difus på bakrunnen.
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Like the way the hands are hold, the line between dark and light - the composition is as simple as effective and 100% working.
Agree with Andre that a cut on the lower part would go against the line, length and impression of the image.
Only missing part is actually the one eye - not a big deal, but after a few moments the pose - at least to me, would like to be explained - and the regular starting point is the face, the eyes - and there you end up with the one you can clearly see - and the other is fading out.
Than again, it's not the task of a photo to offer answer's for every possible interpretation - and it stands as it is very solid.
Beside - and I think it is fair to mention - when as such understood - the face is really attractive - and the setting offers a perfect matrix for it.
Confidence, esprit, style - classical elements for a shot which offers a kind of satisfaction in many ways.