I hope the BW-conversion and the blurriness will give the viewer an initial impression of a picture from the first half of the last century.
Though, the posture with one hand at the ear, is easily decoded today. But just 15-20 years the postures would look strange and absurd (at least here in Norway).
The postures are meaningful to us - alas, we know that they are communicating. We are able to put the situation within a relatively narrow timeframe.
We also know that despite their propinquity, they are most certainly not speaking to each other...
Referere til dette bildet andre steder på foto.no: klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_309710} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Mvh Toby
Ja, det ble kanskje alt for uskarpt...
- Søren